Usually the types are as follows:
- FNA: (Fine Needle Aspiration) In this test fluid is drawn out to ck the cells in the fluid for cancer. Your doctor may use ultrasound to guide him.
- Stereotactic core needle biopsy: In this test the needle is larger and removes several cylinders of tissue. The area is numbed and this test is usually done on an outpatient basis.
- Surgical biopsy: Sometimes surgery is needed to remove all or part of a lump so it can be looked at under the microscope. Usually the surgeon will remove the lump and some normal tissue around it. Usually this is done in the hospital on an outpatient basis. Occasionally, light sedation is used to make the patient more comfortable and less aware of the process. After the lump is removed, the lab will determine if it is cancer and then, if so, if it is invasive or not. The most common type of cancer (DCIS) is contained in the ducts and the cure rate is very good. The sample will also be graded ER-positive or PR-positive. This has to do with how the cancer responds to hormone treatment and enables your oncologist (cancer doctor) to determine the best treatment for you if the biopsy shows cancer.